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    (首)The opening ceremony of the Shengtuo Cup Student Nondestructive Testing Skills Competition was held in Nanjing

    (首)The opening ceremony of the Shengtuo Cup Student Nondestructive Testing Skills Competition was held in Nanjing

    Company News
    Release time:
    2018/10/30 16:01
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    Youth and youth, full of vigor; students, hard work --- On the morning of October 30, 2018, the opening ceremony of the "2018 National Transport Vocational Education 'Student Cup' Student Nondestructive Testing Skills Contest" was held in Nanjing Transportation Vocational Technical College. The competition is hosted by the National Transportation Education and Teaching Steering Committee, the Road and Bridge Engineering Professional Steering Committee, Nanjing Transportation Vocational Technical College, and Sichuan Shengtuo Testing Technology Co., Ltd.



    The "Shengtuo Cup" the first national non-destructive testing contest for students in transportation vocational colleges, from more than 500 teachers and students from 26 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, 48 vocational colleges and 79 teams participated in the event.



    This non-destructive testing skill competition lasts for three days. There are theoretical competitions and practical competitions, which are divided into basic knowledge of highway testing, testing theory of roadbed and pavement engineering, concrete structure defect measurement, anchor length measurement, reinforcement position and protective layer thickness measurement. Fuck the competition. The Shengtuo Cup Nondestructive Testing Skills Competition is the largest and most extensive event since the competition was organized by the Road and Bridge Engineering Steering Committee.




    Sweat for youth and compete for success. I wish the contestants good results.

    (首)The opening ceremony of the Shengtuo Cup Student Nondestructive Testing Skills Competition was held in Nanjing

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    Youthandyouth,fullofvigor;students,hardwork---OnthemorningofOctober30,2018,theopeningceremonyofthe"2018NationalTransportVocationalEducation'StudentCup'StudentNondestructiveTestingSkillsContest"washeldinNanjingTransportationVocationalTechnicalCollege.ThecompetitionishostedbytheNationalTransportationEducationandTeachingSteeringCommittee,theRoadandBridgeEngineeringProfessionalSteeringCommittee,NanjingTransportationVocationalTechnicalCollege,andSichuanShengtuoTestingTechnologyCo.,Ltd.  The"ShengtuoCup"thefirstnationalnon-destructivetestingcontestforstudentsintransportationvocationalcolleges,frommorethan500teachersandstudentsfrom26provinces,autonomousregionsandmunicipalitiesacrossthecountry,48vocationalcollegesand79teamsparticipatedintheevent.  Thisnon-destructivetestingskillcompetitionlastsforthreedays.Therearetheoreticalcompetitionsandpracticalcompetitions,whicharedividedintobasicknowledgeofhighwaytesting,testingtheoryofroadbedandpavementengineering,concretestructuredefectmeasurement,anchorlengthmeasurement,reinforcementpositionandprotectivelayerthicknessmeasurement.Fuckthecompetition.TheShengtuoCupNondestructiveTestingSkillsCompetitionisthelargestandmostextensiveeventsincethecompetitionwasorganizedbytheRoadandBridgeEngineeringSteeringCommittee.   Sweatforyouthandcompeteforsuccess.Iwishthecontestantsgoodresults.

    Youth and youth, full of vigor; students, hard work --- On the morning of October 30, 2018, the opening ceremony of the "2018 National Transport Vocational Education 'Student Cup' Student Nondestructive Testing Skills Contest" was held in Nanjing Transportation Vocational Technical College. The competition is hosted by the National Transportation Education and Teaching Steering Committee, the Road and Bridge Engineering Professional Steering Committee, Nanjing Transportation Vocational Technical College, and Sichuan Shengtuo Testing Technology Co., Ltd.



    The "Shengtuo Cup" the first national non-destructive testing contest for students in transportation vocational colleges, from more than 500 teachers and students from 26 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, 48 vocational colleges and 79 teams participated in the event.



    This non-destructive testing skill competition lasts for three days. There are theoretical competitions and practical competitions, which are divided into basic knowledge of highway testing, testing theory of roadbed and pavement engineering, concrete structure defect measurement, anchor length measurement, reinforcement position and protective layer thickness measurement. Fuck the competition. The Shengtuo Cup Nondestructive Testing Skills Competition is the largest and most extensive event since the competition was organized by the Road and Bridge Engineering Steering Committee.




    Sweat for youth and compete for success. I wish the contestants good results.

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